Friday, April 17, 2009

Playoffs - Wooooo!

So I had a real job type obligation that forced me to watch last night's game on DVR. I spent the entire day hoping no one would text me (including the thing) the result before i could get home and watch what turned out to be quite a barn burner. Since i was remote, and delayed, I turned to my good buddy Jim the Baptist to present some first hand analysis of what it was like to scalp tickets and be at the opening game of this rivalry's return to action.

"Game 1: Bruins vs Canadiens, from the perspective of a fan in the balcony.
Watching a Bruin's game from the balcony is certainly an experience. If you are between the ages of 18 and 30, its a lot of fun and hilarious at times. If you are a parent brining a young impressionable human along with you, not so much.

Having never been to a Bruins vs Canadiens playoff game, I had been told I'd run into a lot of crazy Habs fans at the bar before, and during the game. Well, they were a no show at the Greatest Bar before the game, all Bruins fans. And they were few and far between at the game, which was great to see. I think last year was different because the Bruins were the 8 seed, and hadn't really become relevant in the city of champions just yet.

I got to see both ends of the spectrum for Montreal fans. There was one cocky, Jersey Shore looking kid, who really took a ton of shit for being short/Canadian. He had about 3 sections of Bruins fans chanting "your gaaaay, your gay your gay your gaaaaay" directly at him.

Then there were two fans sitting on my right, father and son about 50 and 25 yrs old, who were trying to keep to themselves. Obviously just die-hard Canadien fans taking advantage of $100 seats instead of $200+ in Montreal. They were getting harassed quite a bit, and you actually felt bad for these guys. There were getting screamed at by some obnoxious Bruins fans that almost make you feel embarrassed that they represent you. The two Habs fans to my right shook my hand after and said it was a great game.
Overall, well worth the $90 for the seats."

Love it. Sounds like the bleachers at Fenway in 1994. Exactly the way it should be. Let's face it, hockey went wrong and lost most of its casual fans when prices started rising above 100 bucks a ticket. This is a blue collar sport with (mostly) a blue collar fan base and the reality is that no one should ever be making more than 9 million a year (enjoy Russia, Jagr) and no fan should ever pay more than 200 bucks for a loge playoff ticket. I don't mean to go on a rant here, but, ah nevermind.

One other thought about last night. It's already been mentioned in this space that the Canadiens are a bunch of pansy's and sore losers. Well, leave it to Patrice Briesbois and Tom Kostopolous to prove that once and for all by initiating two separate and COMPLETELY unnecessary skirmishes in the final 13.6 seconds of last night's game (hows THAT for a run on sentence?) These two clowns, and Kovalev, deserve fines and frankly should've been tossed for their antics. Honestly, who throws a punch at a guy for scoring an empty netter? Answer? A Canadien. I'm all for emotion, but there's a point when you're just being a moron.

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